Tujuan Filsafat Pendidikan
tujuan filsafat pendidikan

tujuan filsafat pendidikan

Asia telah menjadikan negara itu tujuan pendidikan tinggi yang semakin menarik.Dimensi Epistemologis-Metodologis Pendidikan Islam Education always exists in the center of cultural concrete circumstances. Dalam pengertiannya yang terbaru 3 Abudin Nata, Filsafat Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta: Gaya Media Pratama 2005), 19.Kata Kunci: Minat, Belajar, Filsafat Situs Kumpulan Berita Pendidikan di Turki Saat Ini. Penilaian pendidikan itu dianggap persoalan yang perlu bagi setiap pengajaran yang baik. Filsafat pendidikan dapat menjadi asas yang terbaik untuk penilaian pendidikan dalam arti yang menyeluruh.

Its data were collected from some bibliographical sources. ) is arranged in order to know their matching with the development of education in the future.This research is a bibliographical study. 2 Tahun 1989 (Ordinance No. Accordingly, in this research, the critical evaluations about the national educational cores and objectives as formulated in Undang-undang No. Indonesia has had a value system based on the Indonesia culture itself, so that in the process of transformation, that value system will become the spirit of Indonesian people in the future.

Bibliographies on Philosophy of Culture, Pancasila (the Five Principles). 2 year 1989) about National Educational System. 2 Tahun 1989 (Ordinance No.

The National Education System as the actualization of Indonesia value and culture was on open system, that it would always be relevant with the development in both national and global scopes. Lastly, the reflective method is used to critically arrange the axilogical foundation for developing future global educational system.The main result of this research showed that the axiological foundation of National Education System was the ability of rationality having characteristic of freedom and creativity inspired by the value of Pancasila. The interpretative method is used to find the foundation of value, culture, and axiology of the National Educational System. Descriptive method is used to find the corer or materials and objectives of the National Education System. The elements of hermeneutical method are description, interpretation, and reflection. The collected data were analyzed by using hermenutical method.

This article will discuss educating children in terms of various aspects of the philosophical and theoretical thinking by Howard GardnerFilsafat Pendidikan Progresivisme dan Implikasinya dalam Pendidikan Seni di IndonesiaTujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan filsafat perencanaan dan implikasinya dalam perencanaan pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah. Educating is not the work, especially of that educating should be higher than just earn money, educate should be fair, be understandable, and brought the child to the noble human decency. By nature children are born with millions of uniqueness, even children are not always visible twins are similar in all respects, be aware that the duty to educate children inherent in every human being, to educate is to lead children and all human beings are born to be a leader. Morever, the national curriculum has also determined the determined of divisions of lesson for keeping the freedom and creativity to grow, so that the rational freedom and creativity will always be inspired by the value of Indonesian nationality, that is Pancasila.FILSAFAT PENDIDIKAN MENURUT PEMIKIR HINDU Promises independence Indonesia has spoken by the agents of history, one promise is the co-educating the nation, of course, those promises have not been fully met, that generation has passed, but not with the spoken promise, that promise will remain imprinted in the minds of the generations thereafter , we have to participate repay the appointment, although mouth did not give yet a calling of souls who move the hearts and minds to intervene to guide the realization of this promise. National curriculm have determined the divisions of lesson subject matter for keeping the national sight to grow in order the leaners know the probelms of Indonesia national struggle.

This study used qualitative approach and literature study method. Implikasinya, guru Pendidikan Agama Islam mesti membuat sebuah perencanaan pembelajaran yang bisa mengembangkan potensi manusia menuju manusia yang mulia, yakni manusia beradab, cerdas dari sisi intelektual, sehat dan memiliki keahlian yang memadai bukan manusia yang setelah lulus belajar orientasinya hanya materi.The objective of this study was to describe the planning philosophy and its implication for the lesson plan of Islamic Education in schools. Oleh karena itu, disinilah pentingnya perencanaan pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dibuat, supaya dalam mengajarkan mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam bisa efektif dan efisien. Mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam memiliki tugas mengembangkan potensi peserta didik dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai keimanan, ketakwaan dan akhlak mulia sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam Undang-Undang No 20 tahun 2003. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan, perencanaan adalah garis besar gambaran keseluruhan proses yang disertai penentuan secara matang sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan masa depan yang didalamnya ada seperangkat kegiatan dan proses sistematis.

tujuan filsafat pendidikantujuan filsafat pendidikan